Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Miles From Tomorrowland: Surprisingly Boring for a Show Using Disney World IP

""we're delivering mail all day. i was hoping for something more exciting." miles, an idiot who has never seen get ed"

4:18 PM · May 15, 2021 "miles seems like a show that would really benefit from a 22 minute episode.... bc the 11 minute eps are so nothing....."
4:41 PM · May 15, 2021 "watched a half hour miles ep and ehhhhhhh????" "man imagine being voiced by mark hamill and i still find you annoying..." "miles from tomorrowland more like just watch meet the robinsons"

"Miles from Tomorrowland has a robot ostrich" "tom kenny's voice comes out of this man."
[Image ID: Miles's Father waving to Miles. MERC the Ostrich is also there /End ID]






"MILES DAD MAKES WHAT KIND OF PANCAKES???? nonsense pancakses..."

"are the folks at the tta space colonialists????"
9:28 AM · May 18, 2021 "mission force one is a metaphor for like how kids are missionaries..... im right."
10:43 AM · May 18, 2021 "I have two episodes left of this show and god the ideologies of the TTA are just depressing to think about."
10:44 AM · May 18, 2021 "It’s weirdly propagandist??? But I don’t really know what for?"
"it was only one ep but like im still thinking about the weird colonialism of mission force one."

"are you telling me that there's a serious episode with shorts sprinkled around it." "this show annoys me im sick of the Baby Shows With Lore" "according to tvtropes the reason that lore is happening in season 3 is bc miles and his friends earned all their scout badges"

"blodger sounds like this"

[Image ID: Baby Grizz from We Bare Bears. /End ID]







"blodger dies" "little fucking baby bear blob boy in miles from tomorrowland said "well that's just wrong" but he has baby voice so it sounded like "well that shit's wrong.""

The other character that stuck out to me was one I actually liked: Dashiell Scamp the Space Trader, a thief who would often show up, steal things, and replace them with utterly useless things. He was always a delight to watch!

6:23 PM · May 15, 2021 "dashiell scamp is such a nonsense name and he looks like a tumblr boyfriend"

[Image ID: Dashiell Scamp and his robot companion. /End ID]






"he n his funny little mustache robot are the only characters i've felt something more than apathy towards" "wow my favorite character in this one rlly is the tumblr boyfriend."

Though it didn't really offend my sensibilities in any way, there really was just nothing to this show that made it an absolute drag to get through. You ever think about those shitty MST3K movies around the 6th season? That's what Miles from Tomorrowland was to me.

Overall Rating of Miles from Tomorrowland: E Tier

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