Sunday, October 2, 2022

Jungle Junction (Hopefully) Part 1: A Call for Help

"this show is so elsagated...."

"hmm we may have a problem with this one, folks." "okay i can find.... 9 episodes, but i think that's it." "... they're in chinese" "i can only find two eleven minute episodes in english. everything else is just clips... i might have to return to this one" "OH MY GOD." "it's another clip compilation i was FOOLED"

Overall, of 47 episodes, I was able to find half of one full episode in English

"they made the bird a cop. unforgivable."

But at the same time, I have rules. I can't just tell you a cartoon is bad after watching one 11-minute episode. Not when I've been watching 13 22-minute episodes or the majority of the series (whichever comes sooner).

So I'd like to ask for help on this one. If you guys can find full episodes of Jungle Junction anywhere, please let me know. I'd rather not spend money on this project (perhaps I will once I reach an end to this project), but also, I find it odd that this show from only a decade ago doesn't really have a footprint. Other than some paywall'd stuff on AppleTV.

Maybe if you find it, or if it's on some other streaming platform in your country (I live in Canada), you can also try to preserve it if you know how to do that? There's only a DVD release in the UK with four episodes in terms of physical media, and even though I don't like this show, media preservation is still important!


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