Monday, September 26, 2022

Get Ed: Bit of a Mailfail...

2:32 PM · Feb 26, 2021 "me watching get ed"

[Image ID: A commonsensemedia review written by karenmummy91 (an adult) on December 23, 2019. The show is rated for ages 3+ and given one star. The review reads "Huh I don't know what this is 1 star." /End ID]



Now we're onto the second of the three Jetix shows: Get Ed. Do you know what Get Ed is, because I didn't, and honestly, I'd just like to give you a moment. Think about what Get Ed could be about.

6:59 PM · Feb 25, 2021 "now we're onto get ed. i'm going into this completely blind."

It's a Jetix show, so that means it's boy-oriented, and likely more of an action comedy than a slice of life one that we're used to. Based on the looks it looks like it takes place in the future or is about robots, so maybe a sci-fi? Otherwise not much coming to you.

As for what the show is about...

7:03 PM · Feb 25, 2021 "villain who steals mail and that's all he does?"
7:04 PM · Feb 25, 2021
11:31 AM · Feb 26, 2021
Why is there an evil mail company that steals mail"

Welcome to the dystopian future where no one gives a shit about mail reading laws and people are just here to steal everyone's mail! We have a wild cast which I only just realized is supposed to be color coded, despite them all wearing different colors.

First off, there's Ed. Some kind of robot or whatever. A lot of the intrigue comes from figuring out Ed's identity, but he's just a robot.

Then we have Fizz, who's just a normal kid who really shouldn't be working as a mailman. 

Burn is the leader of the crew, but no one really considers him such because the show is named after Ed.

2:48 PM · Feb 26, 2021 "inclusivity fail the team leader hates women"

Deets is a girl with a troubled past, having worked for the villain, which would give the show some intrigue if she weren't utterly sauceless.

2:35 PM · Feb 26, 2021 "deets is literally just giving her ENTIRE backstory monotone....."
2:36 PM · Feb 26, 2021
if they put more thought into deets she'd be a bit of a she/they just my opinion"
2:43 PM · Feb 26, 2021
"i know you"
god i fucking wish this show could do something with its fucking characters"

And of course, there's Loogie. He's everything you'd expect from a guy named Loogie. He's an annoying comic relief character who spends all his time talking to his sock puppet, Dr. Pinch.

7:09 PM · Feb 25, 2021 "muppet fan rep in get ed"
11:29 AM · Feb 26, 2021 "I hate Loogie so much."

Then we got the villains. There's Bedlam, who I mentioned prior, an evil head of a mail corporation that sets out to steal mail, Crouch, a little toaster, and finally this show's saving grace: Kora, by virtue of I probably would have wifed her if she wasn't in fucking Get Ed.

2:37 PM · Feb 26, 2021 "not to be like. typical, but i'd probably like kora if this was a better show......"
2:40 PM · Feb 26, 2021
wow hot robot girl villain sidekick"
8:20 PM · Feb 26, 2021
Wife Bait Get Ed Character"
[Image ID: A collage of images of Kora from Get Ed. /End ID]









There's really not all that much to say about Get Ed. The show kind of surprised me with how uninteresting its main plot was, many characters who were meant to be intriguing lacked any enthusiasm, and also fucking Loogie was there, leading to a rather swift conclusion.

7:25 PM · Feb 25, 2021 "get ed fucking sucks"

Unfortunately, it only gets worse from here...

Overall Rating for Get Ed: E Tier 

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