Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Little Mermaid: Slowing Things Down A Bit

1:35 PM · Dec 17, 2020 "girl alligator. skinny sexy womane fmale aligator."

[Image ID: Two alligators under the sea. The male one on the left is short and fat. The female one on the right is tall and has an hourglass figure. /End ID]







A problem I've had with a lot of the early shows on the Disney Watch is that I don't remember them as well as I should. I try to jog my memory a bit, but alas. Perhaps it's because I watched The Little Mermaid show as a toddler, but everything here hit like a fucking rock.

The show... Is not good. It's relaxing, until you eventually realize that you aren't relaxed. You're Bored.

9:31 PM · Dec 14, 2020 "little mermaid is so relaxing compared to everything else."
8:19 PM · Dec 15, 2020
"little mermaid went from relaxing to just boring. :-\ i like the new characters, especially lobster mobster, but i think this has a tone problem similar to goof troop but the opposite way. little mermaid takes things too seriously. a boot weapon sounds funny but they play it str8"

 For me it took a day. 

The show introduces some new characters, such as Urchin and the Lobster Mobster, and as this is a prequel series to the Little Mermaid, we can assume they're dead by the film canon.

Nonetheless, Urchin doesn't have many qualities other than being heterosexual and voiced by Danny Cooksey. Lobster Mobster on the other hand is the best part of the show, bringing in something that the original movie never had, but should have: Illegal Gang Activity.

2:20 PM · Dec 15, 2020 "typical little mermaid episodes
-ariel finds a sea creature and tries to take care of it.

-ariel helps sebastian or flounder with a problem

-ariel has to deal with the mob"

He has a couple songs with his little sidekick, Da Shrimp. Honestly. Good. 

The other character who shows up in the show is The Evil Manta. He's a pretty typical Tim Curry villain. Not much going for him. Not like the funny Beauty and the Beast organ... Usually when he shows up that's when the show means business. So he's basically the reason why they completely played the "Ariel finds a boot and everyone thinks it's a deadly weapon" episode straight.

His debut episode is also weird...

2:13 PM · Dec 17, 2020 "the evil manta gay moments"
2:15 PM · Dec 17, 2020
"the weird implication tht the evil manta is responsible for bigotry...."

2:17 PM · Dec 17, 2020 "fish racism..... O_O"

This is actually from the only episode I remember watching as a kid. Or rather, I remember the song "Harmony" from this episode and Nothing Else. It's also really weird to imply that The Evil Manta created bigotry, when prior episodes also had bigotry?

9:33 PM · Dec 14, 2020 "why does flounder hate orcas so much...."
10:39 AM · Dec 15, 2020
"the weird speciesism toward sharkpeople....."

I'm not a marine biologist or anything I'm a half baked neuroscientist so maybe orcas eat flounders idk but they really showed bigotry toward those shark mermaids...

Also... The show focuses a lot on Ariel... 

2:18 PM · Dec 17, 2020 "disdain"

[Image ID: Ariel From The Little Mermaid as a child. Her hair is tied back, she has no lips, and her eyes take up half her face. /End ID]






Like yeah it's called the Little Mermaid, but there's sort of this whole world set up and Ariel has a whole bunch of sisters... We never see much from them save one episode from the 13 I watched. Worth noting this show was only 30-something episodes.

1:40 PM · Dec 17, 2020 "they finally show one of ariel's sisters and this is interesting. do they do it ever again"

Sebastian I guess also plays a big part, as sort of the comic relief of the show, which ultimately lead them to make Sebastian the Crab, which I might discuss when I get to Marsupilami. (Spoiler: Sebastian the Crab is Nothing To Me.)

9:36 PM · Dec 14, 2020 "sebastian does not want to be a fucked up gay uncle."
2:17 PM · Dec 15, 2020 "sebastian is a boomer"
1:24 PM · Dec 17, 2020
"i decided to watch eps out of order in little mermaid for the sake of time and this episode has sebastian super pissed off that urchin broke a trophy triton regifted to him and it's the most i've laughed at this show"

Thinking back on it, Sebastian's actually not treated very well, huh? I feel kinda bad laughing at his misfortune now. That trophy could have been all he had.

I don't often think of my least favorite character in a show, unless that character seriously degrades the quality of the show (such as Rhinokey of the Wuzzles), but King Triton is probably my least favorite character of the Little Mermaid. I don't necessarily hate him so much it drags the show as a whole down, but I can't stand the way he talks. He tries to be stern but acts as though he's afraid of coming across as "the mean one." Maybe it's the neoliberal in him or something idk.

Uhhhh anyway, send us off joke about British people?

7:54 PM · Dec 15, 2020 "horrible music plays as these two flags appear"

[Image ID: A Back-to-Back Image with the Jolly Roger on the left and the Union Jack on the right. /End ID]






Overall Rating for The Little Mermaid: D Tier

(I promise I'll think fondly of shows soon.)

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